Hero Festival - The First Edition
October 24th, 2014
I'm super excited because I will be participating for the very first time in my life in the HeroFestival ® in Marseille, France!
My fantasy saga Raven Boy caught the attention of the organizers and bingo! I will have a stand were I will be presenting my book and doing the book signings during the Festival - on November 8th - 9th.
HeroFestival ® is the first festival dedicated to favorite heros, characters, animations, games etc.Three big universes will be presented: America, Europe and Asia, and a lot of fun stuff awaits you: games, cosplay, concerts, workshops, contests and demonstrations. You can meet authors, actors and creators, get your favorite books or illustrations signed, try and discover some new video games (oh yeah, 1000 m2 of space are dedicated to video games with contests, online games etc.).
A huge celebration for people of all ages. See you there!
Categories: News