Cover reveal!
November 20th, 2022
Somehow, so far I have never managed to write only one book at a time, or to work on one project at a time. I don't think it's a question of discipline - I can make myself push all distractions away. The real reason is that new sources of inspiration are always around, sometimes unexpectedly, and it is very easy to forget even a great idea if I don't put it down on paper right there and then, the moment it came into my mind.
It has been quite a while since I started working on this particular project - my very first immersive experience. I even let it rest for a couple of years, and this break gave me new ideas that resulted in new developments.
The question of the book cover, as usual, was a hard one for me. I am not a designer or an illustrator. I can imagine something for fantasy book covers, but The Hague Hostel is not fantasy, so I had no ideas. After some unsuccessful brainstorming, I have contacted an illustrator whose work I have been admiring for a very long time. Unfortunately, she was extremely busy this year and didn't manage to squeeze my project into her schedule.
I had no choice but to resume my brainstorming. And finally it hit me - The Hague Hostel being my first artistic project, I had to create the book cover myself. Strangely enough, once I understood it, I quickly found the right idea and managed to draw it the only way I know - pencil on paper plus aquarelle for colors. For someone who hasn't drawn anything since I was, like 14 or 15, I'm quite proud of myself :)
Here it is, my brand new cover for The Hague Hostel:
Categories: News, #LOOkingfOrCaSey