One gray January day in The Hague I found someone’s bag discarded by a thief after they took everything that they found of value from it. The bag was carelessly thrown into a secluded corner between two buildings, spilling what remained of its contents on the frozen ground: a notebook and a pack of paper handkerchiefs.

This notebook is by far the most precious object I’ve ever found – it holds a beautiful story. Someone’s story, real and touching, entrusted to paper so that to never forget. A story that deeply moved me, that made me laugh and cry.

It made me start a new “quest”, a journey filled with hopes, disappointments, excitement and inspiration that made me meet a lot of wonderful people and discover just as many incredible stories. A quest of looking for Casey Adams.

Someone said that it is important to keep giving it yet another try, “you quit, you lose”. And I agree with that.
So, as yet another try, I decided to publish Casey’s original and unchanged story desperately hoping that it will help me find him.

Disclaimer: All the profits from its sales will wait for Casey in a separate account managed by an independent lawyer. Also, I am ready to unpublish this book immediately if the real Casey Adams wishes so.